The Faux Rose & Poppy Bouquet is a stunning addition to any space. Featuring a combination of our finest white roses, delicate waxflower and powder poppies, this simple yet beautiful bouquet is the ideal everlasting gift that conveys love and thoughtfulness. With its minimalistic design, it proves that sometimes, less is truly more.
How will it arrive?
This arrangement will arrive carefully gift wrapped, tied into a recyclable cardboard box. Some of the long stems may be bent in order to pack them which can easily be straightened out once you remove the arrangement from the box. The box it arrives in is perfect for storing your faux flowers once they are no longer in use.
Vase Recommendations:
Styled here in our Flowton vase.
Vase not included.
How to Arrange:
Arrangement contains:
2 x Waxflower
2 x Faux White Rose
2 x Faux Powder Poppy
The Faux Rose & Poppy Bouquet is a stunning addition to any space. Featuring a combination of our finest white roses, delicate waxflower and powder poppies, this simple yet beautiful bouquet is the ideal everlasting gift that conveys love and thoughtfulness. With its minimalistic design, it proves that sometimes, less is truly more.
How will it arrive?
This arrangement will arrive carefully gift wrapped, tied into a recyclable cardboard box. Some of the long stems may be bent in order to pack them which can easily be straightened out once you remove the arrangement from the box. The box it arrives in is perfect for storing your faux flowers once they are no longer in use.
Vase Recommendations:
Styled here in our Flowton vase.
Vase not included.
How to Arrange:
Arrangement contains:
2 x Waxflower
2 x Faux White Rose
2 x Faux Powder Poppy